Course Description

Attachment Theory is one of the foundations of the fostering role.  As humans, we all experience attachment with others and we each also have a particular attachment pattern, which is informed by our experiences.  As children and young people who are looked after have usually experienced relationships with multiple significant others and also may have experienced dysfunctional attachments, their thoughts, feelings and behaviours related to others are inevitably affected.

This core training session will introduce you to key aspects of Attachment Theory and how it influences the communication and behaviour patterns of the children and young people who may be placed with you. If you already have an understanding of Attachment Theory and Practice, this course serves as a reinforcer/refresher of your existing knowledge and experiential base.

As with all of Chrysalis Care Learning Space courses, the content will consist of video/audio, powerpoint/handouts and an end of course worksheet, to enable you to demonstrate your learning.  All courses are cross referenced to the TSD standards and as such, form key evidence for your learning portfolio.

We look forward to accompanying you on your learning journey.

Learning Space Trainer

Joanna Oliver

Welcome to the Chrysalis Care Learning Space.  My name is Joanna Oliver and I have worked with Chrysalis Care since they were founded by Lynda and Lou Boden in 1997.  I hold a Masters degree in Therapeutic Child Care and outside of Chrysalis Care, I am a Senior University Lecturer. I look forward to helping you in your journey to fostering excellence.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Introduction to Attachment Theory and Practice session

    • Welcome

  • 2

    Introduction to Attachment Theory and Practice

    • Welcome Video

  • 3

    Why Attachment Theory and Practice is important to the fostering role

    • Why Attachment Theory and Practice is important to the fostering role

  • 4

    An overview presentation - Attachment Theory and Practice

    • Attachment Theory 2017 Learning Space narrated

  • 5

    Workbook - to consolidate your learning about Attachment Theory and Practice

    • Workbook - Attachment Theory and Practice for foster carers

  • 6


    • Evaluation

  • Free

    FreeUnderstanding CSE, grooming and cyber safety for foster carers

    Enroll Free